The Whole-Brain Child


Up late rockin’ on some taxes (party over here) and as I plow through our previous expenses I find myself looking back at older Amazon orders. One of which is this book on an alternative approach to parenting. I had been devouring the paper copy but since I’m pretty much 100% Kindle these days I thought I’d grab it in digital form too.

Likely, although I’ve read some of it, I’ll start from the beginning again.

Have you read this or any other interesting books on parenting? If so, please share them with me in the comments.

On Immunity: An Inoculation


My wife and I have an appointment to speak with a doctor here in Germany about vaccinations for our daughter and so she (my wife) gently nudged me to get read up on the topic. When going out there to look for books I was immediately hit with the impression that many of them (even bestsellers) are incredibly biased! Eventually I pooled together a list of about five books based on this article and since I’m not known for my scholarly nature I decided to begin with Eula’s work first, because I read that it takes a more narrative approach.

Wow. Was that description an understatement. In my eyes Eula’s writing is masterful. She weaves in a lot of very interesting side notes and history and pop culture that then comes together to build beautiful and simply to understand metaphors, delivering each of her points. She spends time going through these points and making them memorable. And she even does so while telling the story of her own experience.

I’m about 10% into the book now and absolutely loving it, which is a surprise that I can say that of a book about vaccinations. I am incredibly excited to see if her other writings hold up to this same standard.

Have you read On Immunity? Or any of Eula’s other work? Let me know in the comments !